2021-10-8 12:19:58

I have racket code that I distribute to students that has a rackunit test suite with failing test cases, which is intended. As I write this code, I would like to test it (eg. using CI) to make sure the code runs and the test run without crashing. Is there an easy way to do this? I guess what I’m asking for is something like raco test that ignores failing tests, but nothing else.

2021-10-8 12:33:44

How can I run raco and friends without need for X11 or a DISPLAY variable?

2021-10-8 12:34:30

Which raco command ?

2021-10-8 12:34:44

raco test, but I think the real dependency comes from redex? Not sure.

2021-10-8 12:35:58

In CI, I am using https://github.com/marketplace/actions/gabrielbb-xvfb-action, maybe I want that…

2021-10-8 12:36:04

Try xvfb-run raco test

2021-10-8 12:46:05

The raco command doesn’t need a display. I’m guessing that the requirement comes from redex in your case. If that guess is right, then redex/reduction-semantics avoids a GUI dependency.

2021-10-8 12:47:34

(I now see that you mentioned redex later, so maybe redex/reduction-semantics really will help, assuming you don’t need the GUI part.)

2021-10-8 13:16:15

Regarding UT, I was just making a joke. As for UTC, the story is that it is called that because the French and the English could not agree, so they split the difference. Of course UT makes it even simpler. As for Frank Reed, I should take his class. Frank and I worked together at the <https://www.mysticseaport.org/explore/planetarium/|Mystic Seaport Planetarium> in summers of the late 1970s and early 1980s, as planetarium lecturers. We both studied celestial navigation under the great and wonderful gentle soul <https://www.flickr.com/groups/1194367@N24/|Don Treworgy>, for whom the planetarium is now named. In my philosophy, there are a half dozen truly extraordinary human beings who secretly keep the world from falling apart through their behind-the-scenes selfless good works, and Don was such a person. Frank of course has taken the navigation knowledge that Don taught him to great new heights, so yes, I should look into that course! Frank and I also studied under Sue Howell, who died too young in 1984 in a <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bark_Marques|tragedy at sea>. I lost two friends in that tragedy, one from Connecticut and one from Antigua.

2021-10-8 13:46:46

I think #beginners, #general, and #random are the most used.

2021-10-8 14:46:36

Isn’t that a big deal for DrRacket? https://github.com/racket/drracket/pull/513#event-5434299813 That may open the door more/better tweaking?

2021-10-8 15:21:23

Wow! Well, I just learned a lot, and I’m glad I made that off-hand comment. In fact, Frank just suddenly cancelled all of his fall courses, and I’m hoping that nothing bad has befallen him. I was particularly looking forward to taking one of these courses because it was to have been accompanied by an in-person component that I might have been able to attend, being in (well, part-time in) Providence this semester.

2021-10-8 15:23:26


2021-10-8 15:24:04

Oh! I need to look into that, my apologies.

2021-10-8 15:30:15

I’ll let Frank know when he starts up his classes again, he has two potential students ready to sign up.

2021-10-8 15:36:39

Just checked Frank’s FB to make sure he’s Ok. I think the answer is yes. Here’s what he wrote 3 days ago: "RAISE SHIELDS! ARM PHOTON TORPEDOES! It’s confirmed that my former student from decades ago, Glen, whom I regularly tutored in "rocket science", will be flying into space with Capt. Kirk (well, the "Brother Dusk" version of Capt. Kirk at least). Please oh please I hope Glen offers to "raise shields" or at least "open hailing frequencies"…

2021-10-8 15:51:11

Is there a better way to install my fork of a multi-collection package than: raco pkg update --clone plot '<git://github.com/capfredf/plot.git?path=plot>' '<git://github.com/capfredf/plot.git?path=plot-lib>' '<git://github.com/capfredf/plot.git?path=plot-doc>' '<git://github.com/capfredf/plot.git?path=plot-gui-lib>' '<git://github.com/capfredf/plot.git?path=plot-test>' The above approach seems less convenient than just checking out the repo then doing raco pkg update —link <every subdir>

2021-10-8 15:53:36

I would have used raco pkg update --clone plot and then changed the origin on the local plot repo.

2021-10-8 15:54:26


2021-10-8 16:12:57

If i use the url above with raco, the remote urls in the git setting of the local repo do not seem right to me. origin <git://github.com/capfredf/plot.git> (fetch) origin <git://github.com/capfredf/plot.git> (push) My understanding is the url scheme of a github repo is either <https://github.com/capfredf/>&lt;repo&gt;.git or git@github.com:capfredf/&lt;repo&gt;.git

2021-10-8 16:15:04

@mflatt the problem I am having right now is I have to manually correct the urls in .git/config before I make a push ➤ git push fatal: remote error: You can't push to <git://github.com/capfredf/plot.git> Use <https://github.com/capfredf/plot.git>

2021-10-8 16:15:39

but doing a pull seems fine

2021-10-8 16:17:46

I think what you’re seeing is that GitHub doesn’t support pushes through git://. That is, the URL is sensible and consistent with what you specified to raco, but not useful for pushing at GitHub. You could have used https:// instead of git:// with raco, but now just change the origin in your local repo.

2021-10-8 23:28:44

That would certainly be useful for students. Having them debug and deploy workarounds is a bigger ask.