2021-11-3 12:52:15

fair. I guess I’m confused why teachpack/teachpack.scrbl works, but teachpack/2htdp/scribblings/universe.scrbl (or whatever the path is) doesn’t

2021-11-3 12:56:38

The #:doc argument can only be the top-level source. When raco setup builds a document, it uses the document’s module path to set up a key for #:doc, but raco setup doesn’t check or do anything about module that the main document module might depend on.

2021-11-3 13:15:51

> some hoops to avoid using quotes, since quotes-in-quotes are annoying in the shell I think here you mean you wanted to write 'html? 'html is reader shorthand for (quote html). So you could use (quote html) instead of (string->symbol "html"). Anyway that’s what I do in command-line -e values.

2021-11-3 13:17:01

@greg yes that’s much smoother. OTOH the whole thing has evolved into more of a full program, so quoting became less of an issue. I suppose I could also have used backticks with no trouble, since they don’t expand in the shell inside '

2021-11-3 13:23:00

I would probably also avoid backticks, but only because I’m so terrible remembering shell escaping and quoting rules. :smile: In fact if I needed quasiquote or quasisyntax I’d probably write those out instead of using the backtick reader shorthands, too.

2021-11-3 13:23:53

If you’re more confident about shell syntax I salute and respect you!

2021-11-3 13:51:16


2021-11-3 18:55:41

I’m having students run into problems where they accidently write an infinite loop and DrRacket becomes unresponsive and they cannot hit the “Stop” button. Is this an issue with a known workaround?

2021-11-3 19:00:04

I’m not near a computer right now. Can you reproduce?

2021-11-3 19:04:19

The students still have a memory limit set within DrRacket, right?

2021-11-3 19:04:46

Yes, although, it seems to be ignored… it’s set to 128MB, and I watched a student’s memory usage climb from 700 to 900mb

2021-11-3 19:04:55

Just curious, have you seen a Windows 10 with arm in the wild?

2021-11-3 19:05:30

I’m sure some of that is not counted in the memory limit, but some of that climbing must have been the student’s code.

2021-11-3 19:47:49

I saw one from the Racket mailing list. They are using Samsung Galaxy Book on Snapdragon

2021-11-3 19:59:09

@e-mail has joined the channel

2021-11-3 20:05:36

the Surface Pro X has ARM, if seeing them at Best Buy counts as in the wild

2021-11-3 20:22:46

Thanks - they are out there, but not common yet.

2021-11-3 20:34:25

I haven’t tried yet, but will after lecture

2021-11-3 20:41:48

I made a PR with my version of this script.

2021-11-3 21:09:58

Maybe not not common :slightly_smiling_face: for middle- or lower-end laptops, if they are using non-intel chips (like from MTK or qualcomm) then they are likely to be ARM-based

2021-11-3 21:11:37

My impression is that most arm-based (non-mac) laptops are Chromebooks?

2021-11-3 21:12:13

Windows on arm is still relatively new, so this might change.

2021-11-3 21:13:40

Surface is using Windows, but yes I think Chromebooks are way more popular

2021-11-3 21:17:59

I just made some big changes, I’ll take a look at your PR Ryan

2021-11-3 21:18:52

On my “local” price site it seems that most Surface laptops for sale here use Intel.

2021-11-3 21:19:35

I’ve added directory listings and using dispatchers directly. Still need to check out the PRs

2021-11-3 21:22:45

Good stuff. I had integrated Ben’s PR into the work I already pushed, and Ryan’s changes (command line and options) were something I was planning on doing eventually.

2021-11-3 21:24:45

Surface tablets & laptops on the BestBuy webstore has 118/18/11 hits for Intel/AMD/Qualcomm lol The gap is still huge

2021-11-3 21:25:30

This is the one I’ve seen from the mailing list. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to answer “why drr can’t install” questions

2021-11-3 21:25:36

Makes sense, that Microsoft focuses on the US market first.

2021-11-3 21:27:01

The error message in the image is too vague for my taste :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-11-3 21:29:01

The only error message is “This app can’t run on your PC”. No explanation from the operating system

2021-11-3 21:42:09

I haven’t been able to replicate the problem, so far. If you have a program to run, that would be helpful.

2021-11-3 21:42:38

Will try after lecture

2021-11-3 21:48:59

Integrated the PRs

2021-11-3 21:58:55

Users will have a hard time figuring that one out.

2021-11-3 22:04:11

Well, I’ve almost completely lost the thread here, and I need to study that overhaul commit because I don’t know how it works anymore, but I will say the new version looks quite nice from a code perspective. One thing I liked that may be gone with (void …) was the printout of which port was being served, so it was easy to open a browser (if one isn’t automatically opened like it was previously). It does look like the need for the /static-files hack is gone, which is awesome, especially because then you couldn’t visit a path like static-files from the browser :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-11-3 22:06:49

I do think is not used anymore, and I think we lost the (ul) wrapper around the lis, but probably no web browser will complain lol

2021-11-3 22:08:55

You’re right fixing those.

2021-11-3 22:24:14

Awesome. Definitely installing tomorrow

2021-11-3 23:58:11

Okay here’s an ISL program that has the behaviour. Running it, DrRacket becomes unresponsive (sometimes). If you give it a minute, scrolling around stops being responsive, and the Stop button doesn’t respond well (if you click it a handful of times, eventually one will interrupt DrRacket). This works on Racket It doesn’t seem to run out of memory, although I would kind of expect it to. Smaller examples seem to run out of memory fast.