2021-11-17 11:27:02

@jbclements wrote

> In a perfect world, this category would evolve into a FAQ, and save time both for askers and answerers! at https://racket.discourse.group/t/about-the-questions-answers-category/72?u=spdegabrielle\|https://racket.discourse.group/t/about-the-questions-answers-category/72?u=spdegabrielle

I agree with the sentiment - a lot of people here make a tremendous effort to help new learners on https://racket.discourse.group\|https://racket.discourse.group

I know some of the questions are quite specific, but if you do start to notice frequently asked questions I’d encourage you to make a question topic, and answer it on https://racket.discourse.group/\|https://racket.discourse.group/

2021-11-17 15:24:46

Editor question: Are there significant differences between racket-mode-xp and racket langserver + lsp? I suppose racket-mode-xp has more features?

2021-11-17 16:16:16

In my experience racket-mode-xp is also faster for medium-to-large projects

2021-11-17 19:12:25

i couldn’t get lsp to work properly but I am extremely happy with racket-mode-xp so far

2021-11-17 22:39:26

@michael.mol9 has joined the channel

2021-11-17 23:23:37

@lukejstephens91 has joined the channel