2022-2-2 14:18:59

does raco live in the racket repository?

2022-2-2 14:19:04

or is there a separate one?

2022-2-2 14:19:43

Can you clarify what you meant by that? You mean the source code for raco?

2022-2-2 14:21:18

Yes that’s what I meant @sorawee thanks. I couldn’t find it

2022-2-2 16:47:49

Is it possible to build racket without an internet connection? (the default make tries to download packages)

2022-2-2 16:48:41

I believe if you build minimal racket, it shouldn’t need any internet connection

2022-2-2 16:50:09

I’ll look into it, thanks

2022-2-2 18:51:52

@callan.mcgill has joined the channel

2022-2-2 19:58:18

hello — common lisp has asdf. what is the equivalent in racket? thanks

2022-2-2 20:38:13

For recreational purposes I’ve done most of the library up (no scribble docs yet, scant testing). I’m pleased with myself for getting the iterator working with prop:sequence

2022-2-2 20:45:13

raco (a separate CLI tool) is racket’s package management. It’s more akin to quicklisp than ASDF

2022-2-2 21:22:17

Based on my super shallow understanding (I believe you know the CL ecosystem waaay better than I do), I might have guessed:

raco pkg and the <\|> catalog are similar to Quicklisp. • raco setup + the features inherent to the Racket module system are (maybe much more loosely) similar to ASDF. Is that even roughly correct?

2022-2-2 21:52:52

Has anyone read Animated Problem Solving: An Introduction to Program Design Using Video Game Development by Marco T. Morazán

2022-2-2 22:19:02

ASDF is just a “packages are here in this directory structure with a .asd file describing how to build them” that CL can load and use. It’s nice, but overall nothing all that special.

The .asd file is similar to raco’s info.rkt.

Raco is pretty much all of ASDF (sans some nice features) plus dependency management (quicklisp), documentation building, etc.