2022-2-13 11:00:37

I think I’ll just add an extreme to the docs. The behaviour makes sense to me now, it’s just that i didn’t form the right model from reading the docs. So helping the reader to form the right model would likely resolve the issue without having to modify the code. I’ll take a stab at it next week, hopefully

2022-2-13 16:35:17

is there any way of copying a class object into a new one with some (non-init fields) updated to new values in the same way there is struct-copy?

2022-2-13 16:35:47

Specifically from inside the class. I’d like a updated-copy-of-self type method

2022-2-13 19:57:53

I haven’t understood all the details of Roaring Bitmaps, but have you looked at data/integer-set?