2022-2-21 09:10:22

I changed one line (added #:headers?) but it didn’t help. (define df (df-read/csv "gfa.csv" #:headers? #t))

2022-2-21 09:11:02

(show df everything #:n-rows 'all) data-frame: 13 rows x 3 columns ┌──────┬─────┬───┐ │gender│count│age│ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │female│4 │14 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │male │26 │14 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │female│17 │15 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │male │22 │15 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │female│9 │16 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │male │21 │16 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │female│13 │17 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │male │24 │17 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │female│1 │18 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │male │9 │18 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │male │4 │19 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │female│1 │19 │ ├──────┼─────┼───┤ │male │4 │20 │ └──────┴─────┴───┘

2022-2-21 09:11:49

(df-describe df) data-frame: 3 columns, 13 rows, 0 indexes properties: series: NAs min max mean stddev age 0 14 20 16.77 1.89 count 0 1 26 11.92 8.77 gender 0 +inf.0 -inf.0 +nan.0 +nan.0

2022-2-21 12:08:40

(moved over to Discord)

2022-2-21 19:48:45

Just saw this on HN. Not sure if it was posted here already. https://www.micahcantor.com/blog/why-learn-racket/

2022-2-21 21:05:25

2022-2-21 21:31:13

HN comments are weird. 1 guy saying why he likes Elm. (Elm is nice but it’s like he is commenting on the wrong post) 1 guy ranting about recursion. For no apparent reason. I thought we all knew to be careful with recursive algorithms. Pretty sure they have taught that first year for as long as universities have been teaching programming. TCO is not exactly new for languages that support it. SMH

2022-2-21 21:56:52

I read the first one as “yes, these points are good, and I think perhaps the current most convincing demonstration of how good they are is the Elm language”

2022-2-21 22:07:40

And the blog post under discussion says “Additionally, programmers are often warned not to use recursion at all because of stack overflow concerns,” so I think it makes sense that someone who’s confident in giving that advice would try to explain why they do.