2022-3-13 09:00:18

Looks like http://mirror.racket-lang.org\|mirror.racket-lang.org ( is down.

2022-3-13 14:00:42

@vitalii.voloshyn has joined the channel

2022-3-14 03:48:15

I found a very strange behavior in Scheme. > (set! xxx 1) The program above is OK in Chez Scheme, surprising…

Luckily Racket has no this problem > (set! xxx 1) ; set!: assignment disallowed; ; cannot set variable before its definition

2022-3-14 04:01:34

BTW, in R5RS spec: > (set! <variable> <expression>) > <Variable> must be bound either in some region enclosing the set! expression or at top level. But R6RS remove this restriction. But I don’t know the motivation behind…

2022-3-14 05:06:23

It seems that Scheme (both R5RS and R6RS) loosen the restriction. > Some implementations of Scheme use an initial environment in which all possible variables are bound to locations, most of which contain undefined values. > — R5RS spec 5.2.1.