2022-6-3 08:50:30

I almost always use Vim, but use DrRacket occasionally for interactive experiments. I wonder how many of the people who chose DrRacket actually use it as their primary editor/IDE. :slightly_smiling_face:

2022-6-3 09:28:32


2022-6-3 09:30:01

I always forget about Kate

2022-6-3 09:30:42

And I’d assumed Atom had fallen from favour

2022-6-3 09:34:11

I sort of included notepad++ as a joke But I have seen it being actively used to develop hospital systems. Nothing esoteric just PHP and javascript

2022-6-3 11:42:26

I think one still needs to use drracket for the macro steppers

2022-6-3 11:57:07

Do you want responses here if we have already responded in Discord?

2022-6-3 11:58:05

Different demographic - a lot more professional developer here

2022-6-3 12:20:44

For racket dev Dr racket is definitely my main editor/ide

2022-6-3 12:24:38

Not sure that answered my question, but I’ll take it as a yes :)

2022-6-3 12:24:53

I have a 2012 mbp but it is an i7/ssd model, but I’ll admit I haven’t updated to 8.5 yet. I wasn’t experiencing what you describe on 8.4.

2022-6-3 12:27:06

I should have used more careful language to specify primary editor for racket platform coding.

2022-6-3 12:30:35

It would be interesting to know what peoples primary editor for coding is, what they use it for and if they have a choice.

2022-6-3 12:35:37

I generally have used different editors for different languages/things.

I suppose in general vs code is still my default, but I like it’s less and less. Emacs > vim for me. If I’m ssh’ing into a remote machine I prefer nano now over vi.

If I’m programming python I like Wing, but often for work need to use r studio for it and R. Common lisp is emacs and slime. Ruby is sublime text.

2022-6-3 12:39:41

That’s a good point. I’m sure others have similar preferences for Java, Erlang , c# ,c/c++, PHP, Haskell, elixir etc.

2022-6-3 12:41:54

I am always surprised by the prevalence of SSH. I work in a industry dominated by mswindows and RDP is the norm. Hilariously they RDP to use the command line but you get the picture.

2022-6-3 12:53:02

vim for everything, but if you pay attention you could probably guess that about me :stuck_out_tongue:

2022-6-3 12:56:55

I love vim for the crazy things I can do in it. But f most of those things I find myself constantly having to look them up over and over again each time (eg search and replace regex over whole file and the regex format that vim uses). Just ended up getting tired of it.

Either a visual editor or emacs. Not that emacs is better at it, I just have more muscle memory with it. I couldn’t even tell you the commands, but my fingers know them.

2022-6-3 13:01:10

the opposite is true for me, I suppose: I do have to :help some things occasionally, but most things are right under my fingers in vim.

2022-6-3 19:24:52

@stran4 has joined the channel

2022-6-3 20:56:28

I use VSCode for Pollen because I can install some spell checking plugins and use non-smart indenting rules