2022-6-7 11:31:39

@mflatt Can I get a thumbs up for this PR regarding the license of popplet-libs?

2022-6-7 14:25:54

@soegaard2 do you have any thoughts on ? (I think @pavpanchekha won’t be able to look at it)

2022-6-7 15:25:05

@samth I think, we should merge. And then have an issue for flsqrt/error, fl2sqrt, fl2/ and fl2sqr.

I looked for the list of contributors for crlibm - I was thinking that they might give us the green light to use a different license, but the list is long:

David Defour, Catherine Daramy, Florent de Dinechin, Matthieu Gallet, Nicolas Gast, Christoph Lauter, Jean-Michel Muller

Looking for an alternative, I found:

The home page says: “CORE-MATH Mission: provide on-the-shelf open-source mathematical functions with correct rounding that can be integrated into current mathematical libraries”

I can’t see an algorithm for square roots though.

2022-6-7 15:25:44

Ok, I will merge it and open an issue.

2022-6-7 15:25:57

I think it’s unlikely that they will want to use a different license.

2022-6-7 15:26:38

I also think that simply using their algorithm doesn’t make our work a derived work, since algorithms themselves are generally not copyrightable, but that’s a tricky topic and not clear enough to just do.

2022-6-7 15:26:49

Yes for the project - I was hoping for a single author for the sqrt algorithm.