2022-6-17 09:30:54

Ideally, I wanted to omit the prompt character, but I’ll try the workaround with code:line. Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

2022-6-17 09:43:17

I tried it in my document, but IMHO it looks too strange/confusing/distracting.

By the way, another workaround is to use separate examples invocations, even if it’s a bit tedious. I should (try to) write a macro for that. :wink:

2022-6-17 09:44:19

My Scribble code now looks like: Vectors can be mutable or immutable. Literal vectors and those created with @racket[vector-immutable] are immutable. Vectors created with @racket[vector] are mutable. @examples[ #:eval helper-eval (define vec1 #(1 2 3)) (eval:error (vector-set! vec1 1 5))] @examples[ #:eval helper-eval #:label #f (define vec2 (vector-immutable 1 2 3)) (eval:error (vector-set! vec2 1 5))] @examples[ #:eval helper-eval #:label #f (define vec3 (vector 1 2 3)) (vector-set! vec3 1 5) vec3]

2022-6-17 11:35:24

2022-6-17 16:20:30

is there a way to get the git hash or version of a package that is bundled with a Racket snapshot?

2022-6-17 16:27:00

@capfredf basically no

2022-6-18 02:57:53

@capfredf I have wanted this, too. I think it would work for raco pkg catalog-archive (IIRC) to add a metadata field like upstream-checksum to preserve it, since the checksum of a git package source is the commit hash.

2022-6-18 02:59:51

@philip.mcgrath an easier solution is to include the output of raco pkg show -l in the snapshot somewhere, which is what DrDr does