2022-6-29 19:47:21

In my editor, I’m used to being able to see two panes side-by-side within a single frame and in those panes view different files. This can be useful for e.g. manually comparing across two versions of a file. How can I mirror this setup with DrRacket? Right now the best I can see is to open two DrRacket frames, with one file in each. I saw that tabs will let me switch between two files in a single pane, but not see them side by side. I saw that in View > Split I can split a pane in two, but that seems subservient to the tab system, or doesn’t let me then change one of those sub-panes to view a different file.

2022-6-29 19:54:01

2022-6-29 19:56:20

You are right. DrRacket shows the same file in both panes.

2022-6-29 19:56:46

I think it as possible before tabs were introduced, so maybe it is an oversight.

2022-6-29 19:57:00

Or maybe we are missing a trick :slightly_smiling_face:

2022-6-29 20:15:58

Trick: use vim!

2022-6-29 20:16:18


2022-6-29 20:21:23

2022-6-29 20:30:22


2022-6-29 20:30:45

Slowly getting there: > > (numpy.array ’[[1 2] [3 4]]) > <ndarray : array([[1, 2], > [3, 4]])> > > (add (numpy.array ’[[1 2] [3 4]]) 2) > <ndarray : array([[3, 4], > [5, 6]])> [Working on a pyffi for Python and Numpy.]

2022-6-29 20:35:00

Vim was mentioned as a better alternative. Editor war incoming, thought I’d sit back and watch the fireworks. :wink:

(Obviously /s as I don’t believe anyone here actually cares about editor wars).