2022-7-10 07:39:04

Hello, I am a beginner in programming and I want to build a website, something like a blog, with Racket, do you know tutorials suitable for me?

2022-7-10 08:31:27

@soegaard2 wrote a tutorial: https://github.com/soegaard/web-tutorial. also by the same author heres an example of a web app written in racket that is in production<https://github.com/soegaard/racket-stories| racket-stories>. yo can also check out this web racket book (server side though) https://serverracket.com.

2022-7-10 09:06:07

2022-7-10 14:44:12

Thank you very much, really appreciated.

2022-7-10 14:47:18

And I have another question: is Racket a proper language to work with large amount of texts in other languages like Persian, Arabic, right- to left scripted languages. Do people do text analysing, corpus linguistics with Racket?

2022-7-10 14:49:17

I used to do digital preservation w/TEI Can you be more specific?

2022-7-10 14:56:11

I’ll make a text corpus in Arabic script with academic purposes, then publish it online so users will be able to search the texts, and I want to build the site with Racket,

2022-7-10 15:18:53

Like this ? <thishttps://www.digitalricoeurportal.org/digital-ricoeur/|https://www.digitalricoeurportal.org/digital-ricoeur/>

https://docs.racket-lang.org/ricoeur-tei-utils/index.html\|https://docs.racket-lang.org/ricoeur-tei-utils/index.html @philip.mcgrath

2022-7-10 16:12:32

Thank you very much, I’ll read them…