2022-7-18 16:13:25

I can use raco doc to open the documentation for a package, but often the page gets opened in a different browser window from what I want. I there a way to just print in the terminal the <file://URL\|file://> URL of the page that raco doc would open?

At the moment my workaround is to use raco doc , copy the URL in the opened tab, close the tab, create a new tab in another window and paste the URL there. (Although Firefox allows dragging and dropping tabs from one window to another, this is also a bit fiddly since my browser windows are on different virtual desktops.)

2022-7-18 16:16:36

What browser and what OS?

2022-7-18 16:17:36

Racket uses sendurl for opening a document in a browser; if you build Racket from source, you can modify it to find what goes wrong

2022-7-18 16:21:01

> Firefox 102.0 on Fedora Linux 35

2022-7-18 16:22:16

I think it would already help if I could print the “base URL” of the documentation.

2022-7-18 16:22:41

Actually that’s all I’d need for my current use case.

Edit: No, since the package is a linked package, so the documentation isn’t under the normal root.

2022-7-18 16:27:05

But I can specify the path relative to the current directory then; this should be fine.

2022-7-18 16:31:17

That’s in my makefile now: print-doc-url: @echo "file://${PWD}/doc/racket-glossary/index.html" That’s fine with me. :slightly_smiling_face:

2022-7-18 16:36:20

That seems worthy of a PR.