2022-7-19 10:58:32

I don’t remember where the UI for this is, but you can set a preference to make send-url run a command you specify, so you could set it to a command that cooperated with your terminal or opens a dialog with the url or something.

2022-7-19 14:44:10

updates: I can’t reproduce the logger problem.

2022-7-19 17:12:15

@pavpanchekha You should name the documentation for the rival package rival.scrbl so that it does not create a conflict.

2022-7-19 17:28:37

Do I need to activate something to make embedded gui work in DrRacket interaction window? #lang racket (require embedded-gui) (new text-button-snip% [label "click me!"] [callback (λ _ (displayln "here!"))]) The snip is displayed but clicking on it doesn’t work for me.

2022-7-19 17:34:03

I also tried to override on-event in a subclass of pict-snip% and set the 'handle-events flag but it has exactly the same effect (snip displayed, non interactive)

2022-7-19 17:38:54

Though maybe someone has a solution to my original problem instead: Overlays with plot are mutually exclusive with zooming feature. I need a way to switch interactively between the two, back and forth, and pict-snips could do that. Did someone manage to make this work?

2022-7-19 17:44:02

Restoring the zooming feature can be done within the overlays, say when detecting a left click, but then there’s no interactive way to restore the overlays

2022-7-19 17:47:38

Hm… that won’t even work as I can’t seem to restore the previous overlays, even programmatically.

2022-7-20 00:15:04

Oh ok

2022-7-20 00:55:22

I remembered that DrRacket has some security restriction on the event space of the REPL, but can’t remember exactly what it is

2022-7-20 00:55:32

maybe @robby has some idea?

2022-7-20 01:29:39

Maybe you need to override the copy method.

2022-7-20 01:29:48

~But this won’t keep working.~ (ah, who am I kidding. it’ll keep working)

2022-7-20 01:32:02

yeah, it looks like text-button-snip% doesn’t override the copy method, nor does it have a snipclass, so it isn’t following the protocol for snips (cf the snip% documentation)