2022-8-3 15:14:43

A pretty good “You Want it When?” email thread. :smile:

2022-8-3 15:42:05

> That one's easy: the way the warning works is that when we process > a `eval-when-compile` we look at the `load-history` to see the functions > that have been defined during execution of its body, and then we remember > those as "only available now but maybe not at runtime". > > If that loaded `cl-lib`, then a subsequent (require 'cl-lib) will be > a no-op and won't "unremember" the corresponding functions. lol. “easy”

2022-8-3 15:45:15

Although I’m sure there are even worse situations, even that short discussion reminded me why Racket is so wonderful in this regard, I shouldn’t take that for granted.

2022-8-3 15:47:45

I’ll be honest that, not knowing emacs or Lisp’s eval-* forms, I didn’t follow the discussion completely, but it sure seemed like package load order in dependencies (particularly for compile vs. run time) was a pain for this case, and it is essentially tracked manually and very carefully. shudders. I suppose this happens to some extent deep in the Racket kernel, though, right, since some definitions have to come before others?

2022-8-3 15:57:36

The same can happen in Common Lisp with eval-when. Most of the time you see people just do “all the things” with it though…

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ...) But, certainly there are times when you want only one or two of those conditions to apply. Anything defined (or loaded) in the body will certainly be problematic if care is not taken.

2022-8-3 15:58:57

> > I doubt waiting will make much of a difference: this problem > exists since commit ea4b0ca303f8ac30f87fd2ee905a6db53951c636 > 21 years ago. >

2022-8-3 16:00:01

Yeah, I saw that, too. LOL. But I stopped reading when Stallman entered the thread (can’t stand that guy).

2022-8-3 18:47:14

@thomas.reynolds has joined the channel

2022-8-3 19:06:21

I might be able to hire a racket developer in the next month or so. In addition to some technical questions, is this an acceptable place to post/ask about hiring

2022-8-3 19:07:56

I don’t see why not, but @spdegabrielle ^. There’s also the Discord and Discourse.

2022-8-3 19:11:10

I’ll check those out before I do anything more here. Just to cover my bases and avoid re-asking questions that already have easily found answers. Thanks @ben.knoble!

2022-8-3 19:23:18

There is a #jobs channel on the racket discord (1239 members)\|

2022-8-3 20:26:44

Are discord invites open to anyone, or are they individual invite tokens that are claimed by individuals?

2022-8-3 20:49:49

That one is for anyone - it is on the racket website\|

2022-8-3 20:50:50


2022-8-4 06:38:14

@morgankerle has joined the channel