2017-3-24 17:14:52

JFYI: the latest “not-a-box” commits need today’s Chez

2017-3-24 20:51:44

Am I mistaken or does it matter what order the includes are in a chez file? For example: spall@spall:~/iu/hash-tables/not-a-box$ make racket convert.rkt expander.rktl expander.scm echo '(reset-handler abort) (keyboard-interrupt-handler abort)' '(optimize-level 3)' '(compile-file "core.sls")' \| scheme -q compiling core.sls with output to Exception: attempt to reference unbound identifier raise-argument-error at line 8, char 17 of <\|> make: *** [] Error 255 This error is fixed by moving the include for core-symbol to below the include for core-error. This seems to be a new problem though, so I’m confused.

2017-3-24 20:53:39

@mflatt @samth

2017-3-24 21:02:51

The order can matter, but I’m not seeing that issue. Do you have any changes relative to the “master” branch?

2017-3-24 21:06:37

Yes, im surprised they would break this though. Thanks for letting me know the problem is on my end

2017-3-24 21:08:24

My guess is that you’re calling gensym with a bad argument, and gensym wants to complain, but the raise-argument-error function to complain hasn’t been defined, yet.