2017-7-12 15:18:07

@samth Any hints on how to use the extractor? The following: ../racket7/racket/bin/racket ../racket7/pkgs/expander/bootstrap-run.rkt -s -k ../racket7/racket -c l -x -t fact.rkt compiles a bunch of modules, but ends with: Got 53 relevant linklets Need 17 of those linklets Code is 354281 bytes as source Unfortunately, some linklets depend on pre-defined host instances that are not part of the runtime system: - /Users/soegaard/Dropbox/GitHub/racket7/racket7/racket/collects/racket/private/string.rkt at 0 needs #%read: string->number needed by side-effect - /Users/soegaard/Dropbox/GitHub/racket7/racket7/racket/collects/racket/private/collect.rkt at 0 needs #%main: collection-file-path collection-path needed by side-effect - /Users/soegaard/Dropbox/GitHub/racket7/racket7/racket/collects/racket/private/for.rkt at 0 needs #%read: read needed by #s(link #<path:/Users/soegaard/Dropbox/GitHub/racket7/racket7/racket/collects/racket/private/string.rkt> 0)

2017-7-12 15:51:56

@soegaard2 Use ++knot read - ++pure ../racket7/racket/collects/racket/private/collect.rkt to work around limitations of the extractor

2017-7-12 16:24:17

Also, see the readme in the expander directory for more info

2017-7-12 16:29:21

Thanks. Works now. In the beginning I had forgotten -o so I was puzzled I got no output :slightly_smiling_face:.