2017-8-31 14:55:59

@mflatt since the expander linklet installs bindings in the #%kernel module via mutation of the module registry, what’s the intention of the set of names exported by that linklet?

2017-8-31 15:05:45

The exports of the expander linklet are things that the more-primitive system needs to drive the expander from the outside. For example, some of those exports are needed in “main.sls”, and more will be used in the future. Similarly, the C-implemented runtime needs to be able to call things like eval. The more primitive system can’t just get those bindings from the '#%kernel module, because the more primitive system doesn’t have modules; it needs an API in terms of the more primitive concepts of linklets and functions, and that API gives the move primitive system the ability to work with modules.

2017-8-31 15:13:52

Ok, that makes sense

2017-8-31 15:15:13

Generally, is it right to say that nothing implemented in C or exported from one of the base linklets is directly exposed to Racket code, instead those values are installed in a primitive module and then those modules are exposed to Racket?

2017-8-31 15:44:11
