2019-2-8 17:17:27

@mflatt Is there any semantics for transfering the defined but not exported variables to the target? (if it doesn’t already have it - or if we’re producing a new instance)

2019-2-8 17:18:37

The following seems to be producing 3 on racket but #f on racketcs : (instance-variable-value (instantiate-linklet (compile-linklet '(linklet () () (define-values (x) 3))) null) 'x (lambda () #f))

2019-2-8 18:00:06

Probably Racket CS does not handle unexpected definitions correctly, since the expander does not generate them.

2019-2-8 18:02:26

But I also had in mind that maybe compile-linklet should be able to discard unused, unexported variable.

2019-2-8 18:02:59

In any case, the answer to your question is “no” – semantics not pinned down so far

2019-2-8 18:09:11

Yeah Chez’s cp0 seems to be completely removing the definition if it’s not used, I can easily do that on Pycket as well