2020-3-27 09:52:07

I got this error this morning while trying to install metapict: raco setup: error: during making for <pkgs>/metapict/metapict/tests raco setup: standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found raco setup: for module path: racket-poppler raco setup: collection: "racket-poppler" raco setup: in collection directories: raco setup: /usr/local/google/home/lorseau/.racket/snapshot/collects raco setup: /usr/share/racket- raco setup: ... [165 additional linked and package directories] raco setup: compiling: <pkgs>/metapict/metapict/tests/test-latex-formulas.rkt STDERR: standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found for module path: racket-poppler/render-tex collection: "racket-poppler" in collection directories: /usr/local/google/home/lorseau/.racket/snapshot/collects /usr/share/racket- ... [165 additional linked and package directories] context...: show-collection-err standard-module-name-resolver module-path-index-resolve .../private/modresolve-noctc.rkt:60:0: resolve-module-path .../private/arrow-val-first.rkt:489:18 .../setup/parallel-build.rkt:400:11: for-loop .../setup/parallel-build.rkt:386:5: loop call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap =====

2020-3-27 15:38:36

it’s only in tests so it should be fine overall though. (I could run my program at least)

2020-3-27 19:58:07

@laurent.orseau racket-poppler is used in an example that shows how to put a TeX formula in a pict

2020-3-27 19:58:14

otherwise it isn’t used.

2020-3-27 19:58:35

I think I need to put the examples in a separate package.