2020-7-10 07:30:56

This should open automatically with DrRacket. Thinking that you’re being watch will make you write better code! :wink:

2020-7-10 08:23:28

something like VSCode ‘Live share’ might be possible

2020-7-10 11:24:29

2020-7-10 11:32:21

It’s nice doing a little video of your quickscript • on the mac you can press [shift][command][5] to bring up a screen recording dialog • on Windows you can use a useful tool ‘ScreenToGif’ recommended to me by Alex (who did the <|Format Selection> script) ; > the name is misleading, as it can actually generate movies as well. The program has some limitations, but it is good enough for simple things. > > You can find it here: • If you know how to do screen recordings in linux - let me know! (I just got a new Raspberry Pi 4b and I need to work out screen recording) Also - does anyone knows how to do turn screen recording into GIF’s on Linux and MacOS?

2020-7-10 11:53:40

You can use obs studio on Linux to record the screen. Converting to a gif can be done with ffmpeg directly, or through a graphical program like kdenlive.

2020-7-10 11:54:12

Thanks Michael

2020-7-10 12:02:45

RecordMyDesktop works well on Ubuntu (at least)

2020-7-10 15:24:01

@lambduli has joined the channel