2019-2-28 11:24:06

@chris613 has left the channel

2019-2-28 23:12:57

shot in the dark here but I thought this might be a reasonable place to ask since LISP implementations have a lot of strategies to implement immutability. Have any of you folks given any thought to immutable databases? I have a very lightweight database I’m working on for saving configurations in json and have been playing with making them immutable. For values that may change over time (a sku => price, for example) we’d have external tables that store effective and closing dates. getting a little hung up how to handle correcting mistakes though (like if we wanted to go back and correct something as a typo). Was thinking possibly, if we can implement serialization of objects that there could be a table/set that holds objects that should be ignore and use a difference to exclude the “ignored” objects

2019-2-28 23:13:01

sorry for the wall of text

2019-2-28 23:14:25

@mwb you might find datomic interesting

2019-2-28 23:17:24

I will check that out! thanks so much

2019-3-1 00:19:18

@mwb I think fra is very cool and am planning to use it in an ongoing project:

2019-3-1 00:32:02

@philip.mcgrath thanks a bunch! I will play around with it. Unfortunately I’m less than a novice at Racket so it’ll take me a while to grok it. It, in the very least reminded me of the “music database” in HTDP which probably is what started me down in the path in the first place when I think about it.