2019-11-29 13:54:29

I won’t be in Paris in December, so I won’t meet you then. But I noticed you’re in Yakutsk. Americans generally know places like Irkutsk and and Yakutsk only from the board game “Risk.” I did actually visit Irkutsk in 1985. I had my 25th birthday while I was there. It was also the 40th anniversary of the end of the WWII / Great Patriotic War. Lots of red everywhere. I did not make it to Yakutsk that trip, which was [Irkutsk - Lake Baikal - Listvyanka - Novosibirsk - Akademgorodok - Moskva - Novgorod - Leningrad] but maybe some day.

2019-11-29 20:45:46

Matthew’s Clojure talk reminded me how much I enjoyed this talk and maybe some of you may enjoy it too (if you like low level programming) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt0OQb1DBko

2019-11-29 22:21:53

@jhoran1us has joined the channel

2019-11-30 02:06:01

@nicholasmatiasz has joined the channel