2020-5-2 14:50:14

dedicated servers are nuts these days (80e/mo for this one)

2020-5-2 17:34:44

@mflatt and I have been talking about a new server for running pkg builds, so I’m interested in your thoughts on what is a good value.

2020-5-2 17:34:53

But maybe email is the best method for that …

2020-5-2 17:55:01

Feel free to CC me if you do start a thread and I’ll share any relevant thoughts. This machine in particular is: https://www.hetzner.com/dedicated-rootserver/ax61-nvme and it was able to build all of the package catalog in an hour and 2 minutes just now, building each individual package in isolation.

2020-5-2 17:55:50

The only downside is that it’s hosted in Helsinki so latency to the US might not be great, but w/ a CDN in front it shouldn’t be a problem.

2020-5-2 17:56:09

yeah all the data would be hosted on s3 or similar

2020-5-2 17:57:53

I wasn’t able to find deals quite as good in the US when I last looked. Apart from OVH, but they don’t have the best reputation