2020-8-28 11:32:05

and with this it’s almost exactly the same… except that contour-intervals does some kind of smoothing (plot (contour-intervals mandelbrot -2.25 0.75 -1.25 1.25 #:colors (build-list 255 (λ (i) (list (* 5 (modulo i 15))(* 32 (modulo i 7))(* 8 (modulo i 31))))) #:contour-widths '(0) #:contour-styles '(transparent) #:levels 255 #:samples 200))

2020-8-28 22:16:01

@wanpeebaw I knew new I wasn’t alone!

2020-8-29 04:15:10

a heat map renderer would need to work differntly: • the input data is a 2d array of real numbers • the renderer maps these values onto colors using a color map, either continuous or discrete • it needs to work fast (for interactive plots) with large amounts of data, at least 4000x4000

2020-8-29 04:15:37

oh, and the renderer would need to print the color map next to the axis

2020-8-29 04:20:03

Here is an example of what I would like a heat map renderer to be able to do. note that it should also render this fast, so the plot can be zoomed reasonably quickly…