2020-9-19 13:48:21

I’m working on an application monitoring tool (think honeycomb, datadog, etc.) that lets users issue complex queries against their dataset (using a custom #lang). I’ve settled on a surface syntax that is vaguely Elixir/Ruby-like. I’m wondering if this will put off the average programmer and if I shouldn’t just go with a javascript-like surface syntax that’ll be familiar to more people. What do you guys think? Here’s what a query to get the top 10 application errors and visualize them using a table looks like now:

2020-9-19 22:56:57

This may be the wrong place to ask about syntax that might put off the average programmer…

2020-9-20 00:21:04

I think I would go with something either very concise, like Haskell or maybe Python, or something conventional like JS

2020-9-20 00:21:23

But if you like Ruby syntax that seems like enough reason to me

2020-9-20 03:01:12

So far as I can tell (I could be wrong), one of the main reasons originally for creating Elixir was to put Ruby-like syntax on top of Erlang. Certainly, the fact that Elixir is Ruby-like doesn’t seem to have done much to harm its adoption, at least.

2020-9-20 06:42:14