2020-11-30 15:08:30

I’m learning today that nginx must be reloaded to replace an SSL certificate. I’m going to send a SIGHUP to it once a month, when I run certbot. I run certbot every month — it doesn’t renew a cert if the cert is not too old. I wonder if anyone has anything to share. Is that how you do it too? Thanks!

2020-11-30 16:38:40

That’s right way to do it. Certbot’s renew command can do it for you, but it amounts to the same process: maybe update the certs, maybe update the config, validate the config, if OK tell nginx to reload the config via nginx -s reload or a SIGHUP .

2020-11-30 18:00:18

Not sure if anyone here knows/cares, but might be neat to see some racket entries this year: <|Advent of Code 2020>

2020-12-1 03:41:20

2020-12-1 03:41:33

I’ll check to make sure the leaderboard is still with us

2020-12-1 03:42:12

ugh I should have checked earlier so @pocmatos could put it in Racket News.

2020-12-1 05:26:52

@samdphillips thanks for pinging me. I will mention it next issue - coming Dec. 7.

2020-12-1 05:27:31

This is one of those months where the 1st hits on a Tuesday, so it feels like the first issue of the month comes quite late.

2020-12-1 05:28:25

No worries.