2020-12-6 08:47:38

Racket makes it quite easy to debug most of the time, in particular when errortrace is used

2020-12-6 08:53:10

@laurent.orseau i currently have a problem understanding how to fix problem i see… Can I steal some of your time in DM?

2020-12-6 09:42:28

It’s better if you ask in #general or #beginners so you’ll have better and faster answers. Tip: try to provide the smallest code example that shows the problem, it’s much easier for us to understand

2020-12-6 09:56:52

Thank you, i didn’t know about #beginners, so asked in #general

2020-12-7 01:22:01

I didn’t know about errortrace. You live, you learn.

2020-12-7 02:58:59

Does anyone know why the errortrace information vanishes? I cannot click on the stack of stop signs twice.