2020-12-10 21:21:58

2020-12-10 21:22:40

After reading it a while back I turned off all syntax-highlighting in all languages and then added bits in slowly that I felt were useful.

2020-12-10 21:26:55

It was quite an interesting experiment - playing with the different font styles and widths for different languages.

2020-12-10 21:43:42

My knee-jerk reaction to titles like that is that they sound like Douglas Crockford <https://www.crockford.com/contextcoloring.html>

2020-12-10 21:46:27

But I agree, there’s a lot of wasted info there, I never know what the colors actually mean for the most part, but my eye can sort of guage when it looks “wrong” at a glance.

2020-12-10 22:01:07

DrRacket has access to a lot of the information needed for that kind of highlighting, but I don’t know if DrRacket’s highlighting can be changed that radically.

2020-12-11 07:18:42

What I feel would be significantly more helpful in DrRacket is not so much better highlighting, but automatic masking, kind of like code folding, so that only information that is relevant to me right now is shown. For example, auto fold the test submodule.