2021-3-22 17:27:40

accidentally made some “art” with plot today

2021-3-22 18:44:26

Try some saturated colors and you’ll get a Mondrian!

2021-3-22 21:04:42

What were you plotting? (If you can discuss it)

2021-3-22 21:17:02

I came across this and thought people might be interested:  https://kblincoe.github.io/publications/2020_SPE_CanaryCoalMine.pdf (it’s a software engineering research paper about what perhaps went wrong with Sourceforge)

2021-3-22 22:24:13

a histogram of the midwest dataset for ggplot2 on area

2021-3-22 22:24:25

not very interesting

2021-3-22 22:25:05

Hey, there must be some interest for you to bother with it :stuck_out_tongue:

(also, I was hoping that you would reply with something like “world domination” :sweat_smile:)

2021-3-22 22:25:18

I’m working on a series of abstractions that make common plots easy to make, so the data isn’t actually that important

2021-3-22 22:25:42

the point is that something intelligible comes out of the data, and clearly here I messed something up :stuck_out_tongue:

2021-3-22 22:26:10

Depending on precisely what you want to show, that might be exactly the right way to present it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

2021-3-22 22:26:36

In my experience, one person’s totally clear source of knowledge is somebody else’s completely mystifying mess

2021-3-22 22:27:35

it was supposed to be a histogram though, so this clearly isn’t the intended output. (all the data is technically correct, though!)

2021-3-22 22:27:52

i inadvertently multiplied each bar by an increasing scaling factor

2021-3-22 22:27:52

Oh, right. Yeah, that doesn’t look much like a histogram to me :stuck_out_tongue:

2021-3-22 22:28:19

the actual graph I wanted

2021-3-22 22:28:37

Now that’s a histogram! :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-3-22 22:38:55

Actually, speaking of plotting libraries… Back when I was still an undergrad with only a couple of CS papers under my belt, I used to wonder about precisely how they handled drawing graphs & charts in programs. Then, I enrolled in a course which said that part of it would discuss graph algorithms. I was quite curious to see it (though also wondering why they would discuss such matters in the course). It didn’t turn out to be the graph algorithms I was expecting, of course :sweat_smile:

2021-3-22 23:32:46

That was an interesting read. I skimmed over some of the analysis that seemed in the weeds. I think they are right about Github. Sourceforge was stuck in the CVS/SVN way of revision control. The workflow to set up a repository wasn’t as effortless as setting up a git repo is on Github.

2021-3-23 05:53:23

would you like to show this off at Racketfest Amateur Night, as part of the “art show” there?!