2021-4-16 03:34:27

2021-4-16 03:34:40

yep. I’m goin to bed

2021-4-16 06:18:30

But now imagine the same proof in plain text, rather than with a diagram! :sweat_smile:

2021-4-16 06:42:21

I am getting flash backs. Only thing I remember is to use the “snake lemma” :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-4-16 06:44:49

Better to present the diagram and the text :stuck_out_tongue: (and a third way if you can dream it up)

2021-4-16 06:52:55

Actually, I’m reminded of what somebody said at a PLMW (https://icfp20.sigplan.org/home/PLMW-icfp-2020?) talk last year. It was roughly along the lines of “even those of us who are experienced in the Programming Languages field can have a lot of difficulty figuring out what a paper is saying - not necessarily because the material is too advanced, but because the paper is written very obtusely”.