2021-5-5 07:38:54

That probably would be a good reason to stay out of the random channel :heavy_check_mark:

2021-5-5 14:32:44

Hi there. I’m trying to put together a video using #lang video. First time. So, I’m following <http://leifandersen.net/racket-video/Getting_Started.html|the guide on the web>. I’m replying here to this message by @spdegabrielle because it seems like a nice example to follow.

My first attempt at producing a video results in the wrong aspect ratio and no sound. I see Stephen is setting some dimensions using #:properties, but I don’t even know which dimensions are my original input videos. When I look at the file properties I see the dimensions as 1590x768, but setting those did not yield the correct aspect ratio — I see no difference from not specifying anything.

@leif, I saw a message on the mail list where you say private/examples.rkt would show examples and in the current version of the package I find the examples/ directory. None of them make me think that I should set dimensions for the clipped, rendered video. So I wonder what’s up with my experiment.

The mp4 output file I get from procedure render is considerably larger than the input file and I’m clipping it — that’s also unexpected.

I’d appreciate getting any pointers here. Thanks for any info.

2021-5-5 16:08:27


I found this challenging on my underpowered 9yo Mac(time to get a new one).

I’m mostly guessing but I think it will probably work best on a modern Linux machine.

I think it is fair to say the original developer is full time on other work so isn’t spending huge amounts of time on this but would probably accept PR’s.

While I’m still fascinated by the possibilities of #lang video my use-case ended up being better served by #lang slideshow

(I highly recommend the oopsla 2020 paper on the not unrelated ‘Adding Interactive Visual Syntax to Textual Code’ )

2021-5-5 19:06:19

I think youre saying slideshow can produce videos... Didnt know that.

2021-5-5 19:09:53

No. I just needed a slideshow.

2021-5-5 19:23:02

Oh, got ya. I do need to make a lecture on video. But its all good. Im getting by with some GPL video editor. Thanks for touching base!

2021-5-5 19:23:40

I’m a big fan of obs.

2021-5-5 19:24:29

Thanks for the suggestion. I`ll definitely check it out.