2021-6-12 12:25:32

TypeScript is more powerful than you think it is

2021-6-12 12:25:42

but aside from that yeah

2021-6-12 16:24:36

I know it’s more powerful than « run of the mill » stuff (I think it might be turing complete?). I still think any of these ideas being « mainstream » is a fairly new trend

2021-6-12 16:36:04

Can you recommend an article (or article series) on type systems that’s not too theoretical? I’m familiar with “typical” types in statically typed languages, but not much beyond that. I don’t mind some theory, but since I’m not a computer scientist, I’d prefer an article with more prose than formulas. :slightly_smiling_face: (And maybe I’d prefer the prose even if I were a computer scientist. :wink: )

2021-6-12 18:32:13

Types are something I want to study more, but an interesting start is Wikipedia’s article on the Lambda cube (more theoretical, though)

2021-6-12 22:56:55

I think that the book ‘The Little Typer’ by Friedman and Christiansen is considered a good intro. It’s one of the sequels to ‘The Little Schemer’. I haven’t had a chance to read my copy yet, though :disappointed: I have also heard people say that ‘Types and Programming Languages’ by Pierce was their introduction to type-theoretic stuff, but I think the book is kinda old now (might still be good as an intro, though).

I’m afraid I have no idea about articles or article series, though.

2021-6-13 01:20:36

“Types and Programming Languages” is still a great introduction to type systems. The sequel, “Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages” is a good jumping off point to more advanced systems. However, if you want to work with an advanced type system designed for general purpose programming, Idris is the language to look at.