2021-9-25 15:47:51

After one year programming in Racket I started to use Unreal Engine with C++. Unreal Engine is so restrictive I feel I can do nothing. I need a Game Engine made with Racket. That would be awesome.

2021-9-25 21:41:58

Hmmm, I could have sworn that I once came across exactly that. I can’t remember any details now, however.

2021-9-25 23:08:42

@hectometrocuadrado maybe the experimental racket embedding in godot game engine is of interest https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-godot-experiment\|https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-godot-experiment

2021-9-25 23:37:31

Oh, wait, I think I remembered a little more now. It wasn’t a game engine, I think the thing I saw was where the developers would let users program the behaviour of magic in their game system using Racket (or some form of LISP, at least). Something along those lines, at least.

2021-9-26 01:05:15

For very simple needs, there’s also https://r-cade.io/\|rcade