2021-10-17 17:49:02

some kind person(I don’t know who) fixed my failed attempt to create a racket icon on simpleicons for use in badges [![Racket Discord](<https://img.shields.io/discord/571040468092321801?label=Racket%20Discord&amp;logo=racket)](https://discord.gg/6Zq8sH5>) [![Racket](<https://img.shields.io/badge/-Racket-darkred?logo=racket)](https://racket-lang.org>) you can now include the racket logo in badges on your repos readme’s! https://github.com/racket-templates/cli-command/blob/master/README.md https://github.com/zyrolasting/denxi

2021-10-17 20:21:46

TIL about Félicette, the first and only space cat. Launched 18 October 1963. Happy Space Cat Day!

2021-10-17 20:27:21

:point_up: I would almost certainly buy a copy :sweat_smile:

2021-10-17 22:36:16

This may be the only slack on the planet that doesn’t have :nyan-cat: