2021-10-20 14:16:07

wait….was that an invitation to talk shit about Angular :stuck_out_tongue:?

I remember a conversation I once had on their issue tracker with Ward Bell where I suggested some language or clarification tweaks to their docs because they were using the terms “module” and “import” in framework-specific ways which completely conflict with regular js imports and modules in super misleading ways. He basically was of the opinion “if you’re not onboard, GTFO”

2021-10-20 14:19:07

Also, according to my research (I spent a day or so trying to track this down), the entire reason that the front end community congealed around the shitpile that is webpack instead of some perfectly legitimate alternates that already existed and were in popular use (ie SystemJs) is some shady, undocumented decisions made internally by Angular and then a mix of weird underground pressure from their team to other communities coupled with a “follow the leader, its google” complex

2021-10-20 16:58:50

Blithely following Google’s lead has never hurt anyone’s résumé.

2021-10-20 17:12:19

Not sure if there’s sarcasm in that statement. Assuming no… So maybe not their resume, but it has definitely hurt people in many ways (e.g. Google’s propensity for going all-in on random stuff only to kill it later w/ very little warning for people who built around it).

2021-10-20 17:13:19

If I can choose between some “Mom & Pop” tech service startup and a Google service… I choose the startup every time.

2021-10-20 18:19:16

Sarcastic, no. Sar_donic_, on the other hand…

2021-10-20 18:48:09

2021-10-20 19:27:15

side note - knockoutjs was pretty good. Hardly anyone actually bothered to learn how to use it properly but there wasn’t actually all that much to learn, it was a pretty simple library. It just wasn’t what it seemed. People thought it was about model binding but it was wan’t, it was a really sweet take on FRP once you understood how their computed structure worked

2021-10-20 19:29:10

2021-10-21 06:10:29

I remember liking my first impression of knockoutjs and wondering what happened to it