2022-2-21 18:40:13

I was trying to remember what exactly Gilad Bracha is known for. Now Wikipedia may not be the best source, but given Bracha’s criticism of FP, I was amused Wikipedia had this to say about one of his ideas: [BGGA closures] The proposal has been criticized by <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Bloch|Joshua Bloch> on terms of being needlessly complex (adding function types and non-local returns) while providing little benefit for the average Java programmer over other simpler proposals.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Bracha#cite_note-9\|[9] Closures were added to <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_8|Java 8>, but based on a different proposal than the BGGA one.

2022-2-21 21:57:51

I watched the talk and didn’t have the impression he was opposed to FP. To me his view was that you shouldn’t mix up FP with the (overly complex?) implementation of it in some languages.

2022-2-21 23:57:55

@soegaard2 Not about Racket, but film. My college class film group, which has been watching a movie every week and discussing it Friday nights since the pandemic started, this week chose a film from Denmark (FLEE): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUVeuX1u04