2022-2-26 11:05:38

This why I no longer worry about Racjet discussion being spread across 5 different services

2022-2-26 11:06:00

Oops typo Racket

2022-2-26 11:17:42

That is a broader question though, it asks about “interacting” in general. For example, in this case, I think “Twitter” would include private communication. So I suppose StackOverflow, YouTube, Github, meetups (and others) would also apply to the Racket community, even if we don’t list these communication channels on the website or in lists on the Racket Discourse.

2022-2-26 12:35:40

Yes, but it reflects the reality of the situation for all communities

2022-2-26 16:45:34

I see. I thought you meant that the situation for Clojure is much worse than for Racket.

2022-2-26 16:46:25

It’s not bad - it’s good.