2022-4-8 10:00:37

Just realized today that we can use #; comments to make pseudo-keywords: (build-list #;size 10 #;proc myproc) Does anyone ever use that? I’d never seen it.

2022-4-8 12:45:17

No, I haven’t. But it seems the caveat of this use is that the order of arguments (obviously) does matter

2022-4-8 12:49:44

Of course, it’s merely a fake keyword, but it can help reading the code

2022-4-8 13:31:16

I have seen this with #||# comments

2022-4-8 14:09:57

I did this until I found out vim didn’t handle indenting on the lines after too well, so I switched to #\|\|#. (I’ve only done it once for a small piece of data, where the only accesses are internal to a short function… and I’m probably still going to refactor it into a small struct or something)