2022-5-7 11:17:58

Here’s a weird one. I thought I would start to use https://docs.racket-lang.org/frog/index.html\|Frog . The command raco frog -bp builds my site, and opens <http://localhost:3000/index.html> in a browser. Up until about an hour ago, that worked — it correctly displayed index.html . But now instead it shows “Welcome to the Racket Web Server”. What’s really weird, is: (a) this only happens in Firefox. When I copy-and-paste the URL to Safari or Chrome (or curl), I see the correct index.html . (b) the URL <http://localhost:3000/> (without the filename) shows the index page in Firefox. I’m basically planning to ignore the issue, but if anyone has any insight, I’d be very grateful to hear it.

2022-5-7 12:27:30

Cache issue?

2022-5-7 12:36:04

Well … huh. Yes. Yes, it was.