2022-6-2 17:44:37

that’s awesome

2022-6-2 22:26:40

The editor question in #general got me wondering here…

So, as time goes on I like VSCode less and less for various reasons. I’m curious if anyone is aware of a good code editor capable of loading very large files (20 GB+ in size). Ideally memory mapped, loads instantly, and not trying to load+highlight the whole thing. I haven’t found a good one.

2022-6-2 22:31:42

I’m sceptical that any IDE/editor will handle a 20GB+ file well :astonished:

2022-6-2 22:33:16

Yeah, unless your RAM can hold it even vim sans syntax highlighting might would suffer… but try with vim -Nu NONE and see. And/or ed, but that also loads the whole file into a memory buffer.

2022-6-2 22:51:10

My suggestion would be notepad++

2022-6-2 22:55:26

Maybe I’ll just make something myself. I’ve been basically wanting an editor I can use to open very large, block-gzipped text files.

2022-6-2 22:56:45

Should be able to just load 256k blocks and scroll around just fine. Obviously things like find/search would still suck unless limited in range.

2022-6-2 22:57:39

Yeah, that definitely sounds like a different use case to what most editors target :stuck_out_tongue:

2022-6-3 05:45:36

Just curious: can less handle such big files? It has search/find features. Obviously it’s read only.