2022-6-8 07:52:09

>> It is very popular among data science and machine learning teams … because of its easy-to-read and understandable syntax. > Data scientist reporting in. I can assure you that that is most certainly not why we use Python. The “easy-to-read syntax” may refer to using indentation for code blocks and the “pseudocode that actually runs” perception. I think for a “basic subset” Python this makes sense. However, it gets less readable if you add things like decorators,. assignment expressions, type annotations (and maybe others that don’t come to my mind right now).

2022-6-8 17:15:22

私は日本語は話せませんが、できる限りお手伝いします。 DrRacketを試しましたか?

2022-6-8 21:39:01

Ive used Dr racket to do my homework. just for racket lang.

2022-6-8 21:40:25

actually I used it recently too. it looks just like I remember it did when I was a kid except it doesn’t freeze up when it hits the gc.

2022-6-8 22:17:32


2022-6-8 22:18:50

I don’t think there are many Japanese speakers in the Racket community. If there I’d guess the discord is more likely