2018-11-12 21:54:49

Question: how to make rash interpret Unicode properly? The docs say to install readline-gpl (https://docs.racket-lang.org/rash/index.html#%28part._.Interactive_.Use%29), but even after that , I still see \U+xxx instead of Unicode characters

2018-11-13 01:01:54

Hmm… what terminal emulator are you using? In what context are you seeing \U+xxx? When printing or typing or what?

2018-11-13 01:03:31

I think they should print properly (eg printing a string containing lambda or something) with or without readline-gpl, and that readline-gpl should just let you type them (assuming you have a keyboard layout or input method that lets you do that).

2018-11-13 05:25:20

I’m using macOS Terminal. And I see it both typing and printing. Here’s the exact same character in both Elvish and Rash:

2018-11-13 05:25:35

2018-11-13 05:27:14

Also, I had to type Ctrl-C to break back out to the prompt after typing the character in rash

2018-11-13 05:30:09

I get the same behavior in iTerm2

2018-11-13 05:58:43

Hmmm… on my chroot environment on my phone if I copy/paste the FFF0 character it works fine, but from what I can tell, FFF0 is maybe unassigned in unicode… Is the smiley character you’re typing code point FFF0? Can you send me that character over slack so I can copy and paste it? Is this happening for all unicode characters? All the unicode I try on my laptop or phone seems to work fine for me, so I’m at a bit of a loss right now. I don’t have a mac to test it on either…

2018-11-13 05:59:11

Maybe it’s the version of libreadline on macs?