2021-2-25 13:27:08

@haakonhr has joined the channel

2021-2-25 17:19:20

Anyone here using rash actively in their daily work/life? I really enjoyed using it the last days tracking down a tricky bug where I had to parse a lot of logs from kibana (json formatted with structlog). Super nice to have racket available do define quick functions and work a bit more interactively

2021-2-25 17:35:32

Well, I use it regularly, but I also wrote it. So I’m not sure if I count for this poll.

2021-2-25 18:42:51

@haakonhr are you using rash interactively? I always mean to use it more, but I have a dysfunctional relationship with bash. I’ve done a little “shell” scripting recently with Racket for some AWS tasks things (not rash though.) https://gist.github.com/samdphillips/ed1b33be042b46a84a3a0e2ccb69f5f5