2021-3-1 19:07:59

My wishful future plan (that will realistically probably never happen) is, after making Rash significantly better and building the requisite (line) editor, to go back and make Rackterm actually be a great terminal emulator (probably rewriting much of it — it was my first project to learn Racket), then to make a great window manager (maybe Rwind is already much of what I want?), and then run them all in one process. Using Racket-based security stuff instead of relying on OS process-level separation. Oh, so many programs I want to write in Racket. Oh so little time.

2021-3-1 19:08:43

Then I would just need a realistic Racket web browser. A guy can dream, right?

2021-3-1 20:22:24

jack nicholson nodding gif