2019-10-4 08:29:03

I think i would enjoy the following syntax: indentation-insensitive grouping using ’{…}’ plus indentation-sensitive grouping starting with ’:’. I think keeping {} grouping is important for one liners, and sometimes for readability too (like big blocks)

2019-10-4 08:35:23

Indentation based would always be two more spaces than the line having :, as in Jay’s proposal. I think having a relatively strict syntax is important to ensure consistency across files and even to alleviate the burden of the learner.

2019-10-4 08:42:03

Instructions can be separated with ’;’ when placing several ones on the same line.

2019-10-4 08:47:30

() would be reserved for function application, even in arithmetic, so that one can still use (+ 4 5 6 7). Grouping of expression would also use {}, e.g. {3 + 5} * (+ 4 5 6)

2019-10-4 08:47:53

Thus sexps could still be used everywhere

2019-10-4 08:56:10

(or maybe +(4 5 6) if one insists on math notation?)

2019-10-4 12:14:52

@robby Will Rhombus be an opportunity to reboot DrRacket too? In particular a new syntax means things might have to be dealt with quite differently. At the same time, rebooting DrRacket seems daunting.

2019-10-4 12:15:02

@robby has joined the channel

2019-10-4 12:15:38

Gotta start calling it Rhombus…

2019-10-4 12:28:12

I was thinking the codename may mean “The four of you play an equal part, but you’re not all equally obtuse” ( :wink: ), but…. you’re 5 :zipper_mouth_face:

2019-10-4 12:30:59

We shall see!

2019-10-4 12:32:28

I think the current state doesn’t really suggest that rebooting DrRacket would be an integral part, but who knows.

2019-10-4 13:07:01

Does DrR need rebooting? It’s pretty flexible, has some great stuff (thank you for Scripts).

2019-10-4 13:10:11

IIRC @robby wouldn’t be against a little (big?) bit of refactoring (CMIIW)

2019-10-4 13:11:43

I sould add that I moved 2 rhombus issues to drracket, because they were about DrRacket not Rhombus

2019-10-4 13:12:19

I’ll assume that any help is welcome.

2019-10-4 13:13:44

@laurent.orseau As an experieced DrRacket developer, what is your workflow?

(Mine is terrible, and slow, and it puts me off doing anyhting because I keep waitng for DrR to rebuild and restart)

2019-10-4 13:23:09

To hack DrRacket you mean? Well, avoiding restarting was one of the main reasons behind Quickscript ;) Otherwise I try to separate what really needs restarting and the rest.