2021-3-24 14:08:25

Sorry, I hadn’t pushed to main and told the package manager to update itself, it’s done now (took half an hour to log in because of a typo in my e-mail address in the auto-complete :grimacing:)
2021-3-24 14:20:14

For the katex folder path, as I remember it was difficult to refer to external files in Scribble. If you manage to find a way to load a dummy.js script the way you want to, I can try to integrate your technique into scribble-math. However as things stand now, I have no idea about how to do that path customization :disappointed:.

2021-3-24 20:37:12

Thanks again for all your support Now the \tag function is working properly, as well as the \boxed function, in the HTML rendering. For the following code: #lang scribble/manual @require[scribble-math] @$${\tag{1} \boxed{\mathsf{e}^{i\pi}+1=0}} We have as a result the attached image.

This is great. Btw I’m giving a very small workshop for some of my students with the name “Mathematical Exposition with Scribble” (in spanish), and scribble-math is the main tool for mathematical expressions and formulae, as well as drawings. And now it’s even better. I really appreciate all your help.

Concerning the katex folder. I apologize because I don’t know js. But If I knew exactly where is the code that creates the katex folder, then I can do some experiments with it.

Note: in a next message I expect to share with you (in a racket like syntax,) the main idea about a common katex folder.

Thanks again for your support for this very nice and useful package. Best regards.

2021-3-25 04:57:18

With respect to the katex common folder. The idea to have only one location in a common set of scribble documents, is the following (in a racket like syntax). (if common-katex-folder? (begin (create-katex-folder-holder (string-append "..\" common-katex-folder-holder-name)) (create-and-fill-katex-folder-at (string-append "..\" common-katex-folder-holder-name "\katex"))) (create-and-fill-katex-folder-at "\katex")) Where, for the current implementation the identifier common-katex-folder? is false. The following diagram may be can express better the idea: Thank you very much for observations and comments. Best Regards.