2021-9-20 19:16:29

Is anyone else having trouble? I was looking at #general and it died

2021-9-20 19:22:03

Uh oh :flushed:

2021-9-20 19:23:17

Yeah it didnt load on my phone. Oddly, looked like it was trying to load an old version. Possibly i broke something several weeks ago and nobody noticed :eyes:

2021-9-20 19:24:00

If anyone has time to look at a desktop and can send information, greatly appreciated; otherwise i’ll get to it much later

2021-9-20 19:26:03

It is still serving an old version… that’s weird. The general page is too long, so you probably hit an oom killer. The new version should be broken up, but it’s possible the github actions build broke. I havent looked at it in a while to see if it ran: their actions machines have only two cores and i was testing on an 8 core machine, so i didnt realize how slow it would go on actions.

2021-9-20 19:32:03

Welp, looks like i never pushed the build changes to the archive repo to have it build with the brand new version, so ill have to do that.

2021-9-20 19:35:02

I did also need to fix an issue with the regexp that i discussed briefly in discord, but it will work correctly on CS and not BC

2021-9-20 19:36:36

Spotted the issue, I think (see other messages), but for reference: in the old version (what youre currently having trouble with), the html file for that page is 28MB…

2021-9-20 19:38:21


2021-9-20 19:54:13

Anyhoo, working on getting the build updated, but now there’s a package server issue: raco pkg install reports Resolving "slack-archive-viewer" via <https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/8.0/catalog/\|https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/8.0/catalog/> Resolving "slack-archive-viewer" via <https://pkgs.racket-lang.org\|https://pkgs.racket-lang.org> Downloading repository <https://github.com/benknoble/slack-archive-viewer.git#main\|https://github.com/benknoble/slack-archive-viewer.git#main> git: could not find requested reference reference: master repo: benknoble/slack-archive-viewer.git I know I’ve seen this before with others, but idk what the fix is. @mflatt any suggestions?

2021-9-20 19:54:20

@mflatt has joined the channel

2021-9-20 19:58:28

I think that’s a known issue with main as a branch and is resolved by upgrading to 8.2

2021-9-20 20:04:50

8.2 had the same issue @samth :sadpanda:

2021-9-20 20:05:57

I just succcessfully installed it on

2021-9-20 20:16:37

Good to know. Perhaps the github action version is lagging?

2021-9-20 20:23:13

I can’t do it locally; (version) just says 8.2, how can i tell the patch/other numbers?

2021-9-20 20:27:58 is after 8.2, you would need to install a snapshot or from git (which the github action can do)

2021-9-20 20:28:00

I think it is specifically smth on the package server side—i just installed jsond which has a similar structure (main branch) without issue. Otoh, the PS has no “build status” for the archive viewer

2021-9-20 21:33:12

Since it’s been two hours, I imagine the problem has gone away by now. The problem happens between the time that a repo is updated and the time that the package server starts reporting the new commit ID.

2021-9-20 22:10:36

Huh. I did push an update to the readmes, so that could be it. I’ll try to re-run the action tomorrow.