2017-8-5 21:20:20

links to doco (at the bottom) on pages like: https://summer-school.racket-lang.org/2017/notes/mon-mor.html are all broken :disappointed:

2017-8-5 22:09:15

@zenspider fixed - thanks!

2017-8-5 22:10:18

cool. thanks. there are more errors in the code examples. Wanna point me at a repo and I can just send PRs?

2017-8-5 22:10:57

(like the infix vs prefix add in imperative PCF)

2017-8-5 22:13:11

@robby speaking of which, can this error message be improved:

; let: (let ((tmp x)) (set! x (+ y 1)) tmp) is not in my domain

to something that points out what part is not actually in the domain? The error makes it look like it is let when it is (+ y 1) (the language has the operator infix)

2017-8-5 22:15:22

@zenspider : theoretically yes

2017-8-5 22:16:42

I looked at the two places where the error message is emitted and don’t really know how to poke further down

2017-8-5 22:19:19

hell… I can’t even find compiled-pattern at this stage. :slightly_smiling_face:

2017-8-5 22:21:52

wow. I really can’t. it isn’t actually defined or in the doco…. AH! I was looking for (struct complied-pattern… and it is using `define-struct.

2017-8-5 23:35:51

OK. new (2 part) question… there are some bugs in the lecture notes for wednesday morning ( https://summer-school.racket-lang.org/2017/notes/wed-mor.html ) that prevent the code from running… but once those are addressed there is a single test that fails (e3).

My running version of the code is at https://gist.github.com/zenspider/30f9ebe896b419bcf1b0b7db3bb3cf50

Question 1: is TODO #1 horrible? (line 95–100) I made the test pass by resolving variables in lambdas in eval Question 2: Assuming 1 IS horrible, how would you write the test to pass?

2017-8-5 23:35:52