2020-8-16 19:12:51

I’m looking at there was some good conversation around it but in the end it is not clear to me what the resolution should be. I can see one of these possible paths forward: 1. Document this behavior (where should it be documented though?) 2. Add string as a for-syntax provide from syntax/parse/define 3. Close out the issue (notabug, works as designed)

2020-8-16 20:20:03

@samth: yes, my point is that assigned people are likely to forget or simply overlook the issue. I think it’s worth nudging to a degree (though I also understand that their work queue is probably overflowing already, with more important stuff)

2020-8-16 20:22:25

I think one feature of GitHub that we might benefit from using it is milestone. It allows you to tag issues and PRs that you want to fix/merge in a release. This would give us a nice list to go over before each release. Of course, the milestone could change.

2020-8-16 20:24:03

In a sense, the tag PR good to merge acts like milestone already, though it’s unclear when the tagged PRs will be merged. Milestone makes that aspect clearer.

2020-8-16 21:11:09

Thanks for following up on this @sorawee

2020-8-16 21:18:13

@samth is this expected behavior?

2020-8-16 22:58:22

In one sense yes

2020-8-16 22:58:40

In another sense we should be able to fix it for ctypes

2020-8-16 22:59:02

In a third sense the inability to do ffi in TR is a serious problem

2020-8-16 23:00:15

not sure whether to label this a bug or not then

2020-8-16 23:00:28

I agree

2020-8-16 23:01:38

maybe let’s add a “known limitation” label? and also link this to some canonical issue tracking ffi support in TR?